School Choir
Our school Choir are currently practicing for the peace proms every Monday from 3-4 pm under the guidance of Mrs. O’Callaghan
Student Council
Introducing our newly elected student council. Already they are doing a great job representing all the students in our school and voicing their ideas and suggestions.
Debating Team
Our school debating team have won their first two rounds of of this years debating competition and are through to the next round with a debate to spare. Well done to all involved.
Chess Club
Students getting involved with strategy in our new chess club.
Active Schools Week
The Department of Education and Skills has recognised the efforts of Castleconnell NS to achieve a physical educated and physically active school community by awarding them the Active School Flag (ASF).
The Active School Flag was awarded for:
Adhering to DES guidelines regarding PE timetable provision for all students
Teaching a broad and balanced PE curriculum
Informing and inviting the whole school community to participate in the ASF process.
Self-evaluating current provision in terms of PE, Physical Activity and Partnerships
Organising an Active School Week as part of the annual school calendar.

Gaelic Football
Congratulations to Jessica O’Shea who has been selected for the Girls East Limerick Football Panel. Jessica was initially selected to go to trials and we were delighted to get the news that she made the panel. Jessica is the first girl in this school to get onto the East Limerick panel. We are so proud of you Jessica!

A huge congratulations to Ella Jones Bourke for representing our school at the Munster Schools Swimming Gala. She competed in two events the 50m backstroke and the 100m individual medley, and won a silver medal in the backstroke. Ella will now proceed to the National Finals in the National Aquatic Centre in February. Well done Ella, we are very proud of you!

Congratulations to the boys of 5th and 6 class who participated in the garda indoor soccer tournament in UL Arena. The boys proudly represented their school. A great day was had by all!
Green School
Here in Castleconnell N.S. we all work very hard to protect our environment. We have a Green Schools Committee with pupils representing each class. Miss. Greene is the Green Schools co-ordinator. We have already been awarded five green flags and are working towards our next green flag which is Global Citizenship and Energy,
We completed an Environmental Review last Spring. Some of the findings from the review were: a lot of whiteboards, projectors and visualisers were left on standby, messages regarding energy conservation and good practice need to be reinforced on an ongoing basis.
Actions included in our action plan consist of weekly Power Ranger checks to make sure appliances and lights are switched off when not in use, participation in a Christmas Jumper Day in aid of GOAL, completing the World's Largest lesson and Goal Change Makers in order to learn more about the Global Goals and Climate Action, participation in a 'Day of Action in January.
We update parents and the local community of our actions carried out by videos produced by our Green Schools Committee.
Our Green School's Green Code is:
I can make a difference!
One world!
No excuse!