Dear parents/guardians, 05/12/18
The Christmas holidays are fast approaching and I hope everyone is looking forward to the break. It has been a very successful term here in Castleconnell N.S and I would like to thank everyone for their help and support.
Here are a few important events and reminders for the days leading up to the holidays:
Christmas Craft Fair (Please note the change): As I mentioned in our previous newsletter our Christmas Craft Fair will take place on Friday 14th December. We have decided that using the village hall would create a huge amount of extra organisational work for very little extra reward and therefore we are going to continue the tradition of having it in the school hall.
Our pupils are working extremely hard during Art classes making Christmas Crafts. They are really looking forward to showing off their wonderful designs. There will also be a bake sale, hot chocolate, teas and coffee on the day and other novelty games. Please come along and support our school.
The fair is open to the public from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm. Please spread the word.
Bag packing – Supervalu
As in previous years the Parents Association will be bag packing in Supervalu as a fundraiser. The dates this year are Friday 14th 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm and Saturday 15th 11.00 am to 7.00 pm. Volunteers are still required. If you can spare an hour or two please text Aileen on 0876358345 or Gina on 0872204600. Please keep an eye on the school Facebook page for more details
Our Christmas Choir will be performing in Supervalu on Saturday 15th between 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm while bag packing takes place. Pupils involved should be at Supervalu at 1.50 pm.
Adult Raffle:
Adult raffle cards will be sent home with the oldest in each family tomorrow. All information is on the cards. Cards are to be returned by Monday 17th December including blank cards. This is very important as each card must be accounted for.
Children’s Raffle:
Children’s raffle tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 19th December. Tickets are 50 cent each.
There are lots of prizes to be won. Please see school Facebook page for more details.
All raffles will be held in the school on Friday morning of 21st of December. Please do your best to support our fundraising initiatives. The money raised through the Parents Association is used wisely when the need arises and I can assure you that due to the poor funding we receive from the government…the need arises regularly!
Christmas Shows for Parents:
Wednesday 19th December:
2nd class assembly – 10:10am in the school hall.
5th class show – 12:00 pm in the school hall.
6th class show –1.30 pm in the school hall
Thursday 20th December
Junior Infant Show – 10.00am in the school hall
3rd class Show – 11.00am in the school hall
1st class Show- 1.00pm in the school hall.
There will be dress rehearsals in the lead up to the shows. All pupils will get the chance to see at least one show. If siblings do not get the opportunity to see their brother or sisters show during rehearsals then parents may take them to see the Wednesday/Thursday show.
Parent/Teacher Meetings:
Parent/Teacher meetings for all classes will take place on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of January. Please book an appointment with Helen in the office as soon as possible on 061377594. If your child is receiving support from a special education teacher please let Helen know in the office and arrange an appointment to meet that teacher separately.
6th Vex IQ Robotics
6th class have been learning so much from this great programme. They have now made their robot and have begun programming it. You can keep up to date with their progress on our school website under the STEM Blog tab.
Our first debate of the year takes place on Friday V Bishop Harty school. Good luck to all involved.
2nd hand book fair:
Thank you to everyone who donated to the book fair and teddy sale. We are delighted to announce that we raised €752.63 for the school from the book fair. This money will be used to restock our school library with some new titles. We also raise €274 from the teddy sale which we have donated to Barnardo’s. Well done to all involved.
Christmas Holidays
Friday 21st will be a non-uniform day. Cost: €2 to be collected on the day. I would encourage children to wear their Christmas jumpers, hats, reindeer ears etc. on this days also if they have them.
Children will get their Christmas holidays on Friday 21st of December at 12:00pm. Please ensure your child is collected on time. I’ve heard rumours of a special visitor on the day also.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the community a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Ryan
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