Monday, 26 November 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween break. We are fast approaching the Christmas period and as always there is lots going on in Castleconnell N.S.
Attendance: Congratulations to all our pupils who recorded full attendance for the first two months of the year. I am happy to report that overall average attendance for September and October was over 96%
Junior Infant Enrolment
Please be advised that the closing date for the enrolment of pupils into next year’s Junior Infants class (2019/20 school year) is Thursday 20th December. Enrolment application forms can be downloaded from the homepage of our school website www.castleconnellns.ie or can be collected from the school office.
Second Hand Book Fair Fundraiser
Our Parents Association Second Hand Book Sale will take place this year on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th November. It will be open to parents and the wider community from 9.30am to 10.30am and 2pm to 4pm. It will then be open to pupils between 10.30am and 2pm both days. We will also be having our much loved teddy sale both days with the profits of the teddy sale going to Barnardo’s this year.
We will be taking donated books and teddies from tomorrow. They can be dropped to the school reception or left in one of the school sheds and we will collect them from there.
Internet Safety Talk Lisnagry N.S
Lisnagry N.S are holding an internet safety talk with guest speaker Ger Brick this Thursday night at 7pm in Lisnagry School. It is open to anyone in the community and I would highly recommend that you attend if possible.
DELL VEX IQ Robotics: This is a very exciting new initiative taking place in 6th class this year with the help of Mrs. O’ Callaghan, Mr. Dillon and Mark Meleady from DELL. VEX IQ is designed to expose students to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) fundamentals within the context of building a robot and completing a challenge. They have just begun this process and will be informing you of their work as they go along.
Liam McCarthy Visit: We were delighted to have the Morrissey brothers and Pat Ryan visit our school with the Liam McCarthy cup on the 4th of October. It was a wonderful experience for all the children. Eamonn Andrews photography took some lovely photos on the day which you can see on our website. If you want to purchase them they are available on www.eamonnandrews.ie under customer galleries. The password to view them is Cup.
School Choir: The school choir is very busy practicing under the guidance of Mrs. O’ Driscoll every Tuesday 3-4pm. They are preparing to participate in the Peace Proms in the University of Limerick Sports Arena on Saturday 2nd March. They will soon take a break from their practice to begin preparation for the Christmas choir events.
Debating: A school debating team are participating in the Concern Primary School Debating Competition again this year and have begun preparations.
Basketball: Boys and Girls basketball is ongoing after school on Mondays and Wednesdays.
November Assembly: Our November assembly is 4th class assembly. All 4th class parents are invited to attend on Thursday 22nd of November at 12.20 pm.
Masses of Enrolment: Our First Communion enrolment mass takes place for 2nd class children on Saturday November 24th at 6.30pm in Castleconnell Church
Our Confirmation enrolment mass takes place for 6th class pupils on Sunday November 25th at 11.30am.
Christmas Market
We have decided to hold a larger Christmas Market this year instead of our craft fair in the school hall. Our Christmas Market led by teachers and pupils and supported by parents association will take place on Friday the 14th of December in the village hall from 10am to 2pm.
All classes will be making lots of wonderful crafts to sell on the day. There will also be a performance from our school choir as well as a bake sale, brick a brack, face painting, games corner and much more. Parents will be allowed to take their children down during opening times. If you are not available to do this class teachers will ensure all pupils get a chance to go to the market. Please come along and support our school.
Bag Packing Supervalu: Our Parents Association led bag pack will take place on Friday 14th December from 3pm-7pm and Saturday 15th December from 11am to 5pm. Volunteers are required so please let a member of the PA know if you can spare an hour or two. Please keep an eye on the Parents Association Facebook page for more detailed information and help out if you can.
Parents Association.
As in previous years the Parents Association are holding a Christmas raffle on the day of the holidays Friday 21st of December. Raffle cards will be issued shortly and we look forward to your support. In addition, as in previous years the Parents Association will also run a raffle for the pupils. Tickets will be on sale the week of the holidays.
The members of the Parents Association have told me that we can also expect a visit from a very special visitor on the day of the Christmas Holidays!
- We request that pupils do not bring Christmas cards into school for their classmates. Instead class teachers will organise a card making activity and all children will get one hand made card from the whole class.
- As in previous years, school staff respectfully request that you do not send presents to them this year.
- Christmas holidays begin on Friday the 21st of December at 12 noon. We re-open for the spring term on Monday the 7th of January 2019.
Yours Sincerely,
Richie Ryan
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